This site is under development. Where content is absent or incomplete, please refer to The Matrix (2015)

What is The Matrix?
The ambition as set out by the Scottish Government is for everyone to have timely access to high quality, person-centred, evidence based psychological therapies and interventions which are effective in improving health, mental health and wellbeing when it is needed for the people of Scotland. The Matrix supports this by providing guidance on what the evidence is for effective and accessible delivery with the goal of the right therapy or intervention, accessible at the right time and delivered by a well-trained and supported workforce in the most efficient way possible. Below you will find a short video providing an introduction to the Matrix:
Learn more about how The Matrix can support services in Scotland

Understanding the Evidence Summaries Included in The Matrix
This section provides an overview of the rationale for topics included in the Matrix, a description of the processes around what is included in the evidence tables, an introduction to the hexagon tool and the detailed assessment of each recommended intervention.
The topics are designed to provide a summary of the information on the evidence base for the effectiveness of psychological approaches for different groups of people e.g. different stages of the lifespan or in different settings. The topics are not exhaustive. We work with the needs of stakeholders to develop topics over time. Please contact us at with suggestions.
Understanding the evidence summaries included in The Matrix
Below you will find a video providing an introduction to the evidence summaries included in the Matrix:

Understanding the Intervention Summaries Included in the Matrix
Information about the interventions included in The Matrix is structured around The Hexagon Tool (Metz, A. & Louison, L. 2019). Below you will find a short video which provides information about The Hexagon Tool including:
- The 6 indicators of The Hexagon used to describe interventions included in The Matrix
- How the 3 Programme Indications Usability, Supports and Evidence, are rated
- How the guided questions within the Implementing Site Indicators help the user rate Fit, Capacity and Need

Matrix Orientation Webinar
The video below is a recording of one of our Matrix orientation webinars, delivered in Spring 2024. The webinar gives a brief overview of the Matrix and a walk-through of the site itself:
FAQs about The Matrix
Find the frequently asked questions about The Matrix here
If you have any questions about The Matrix, please contact us at